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06 January, 2011

4th entry : Movie

January 5, 2011
: Watching Movie...

+ movie +
: sinopsis..
Hero ingin tackle HEROIN so tipu HEROIN kte pandai mengarang.
HERO bekerja dibhgn mel , HEROIN adalah editor...
HERO di tawarkan membuat cerita pasal bermuda segi tiga

akhirnya terperangkap dalam dunia "orang-orang kecil"
berjaya menawan hati semua org.

tp akhirnya HEROIN mendapati HERO menipu..
( he actually copy & paste from internet )
but last-last... hehehehe.. tgk la sendiri.. ahaks..

adzani adnan quote:
:: nk ngorats..? pe kata kte jual mahal skit.. hahahaha...

I am....
Adzani @ a'd....


Anonymous said...

yeah...people tend to demean you if your nothing, but lying is never a good method to go if you want to impress anybody, but total honesty is kinda boring too. now what other ways shall a man (or woman) does to UN-boring himself (or herself) in front of a person they try impress? or lets the cupid does him (or her) job

by the way, i am planning to move my blog to tumblr, check out

it is still under construction

adzani adnan said...

oh move to tumblr.? huhuh..
ad also de tumblr tp jarang update. neway bler dh siap anti bitau.
will link with mine (tumblr)