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30 December, 2010

( 101 ) My last post

bubye 2010 and most welcome 2011

what im achieved in year 2010 :

: from SIXNY to FERUNI :
the same compony but with a brand new image
within 2 month we manage to build a new concept showroom
with a bunch of new people we manage MARCOM dept. until it was success
here, im learning more about laying tiles + bout site... and bla..bla..

: photographer :
for the first time im being a photographer for zura & rabuan wed's
im fully using DSLR camera (my bro & im sharing)
im creating another blog PHOTO FINISH for my photo
and also FLICKR for all the photoshoot

: my life :
for the first 6 month of 2010 the whole day was a strugle
for the second 6 months of 2010 everything is more comfortable
yeah oh yes.... im enjoying the moments..

de new me,
adzani aka a'd

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