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28 December, 2010

( 100 ) My Flickr

finally 100 post....
within a years, gler lah. hahahhaa.....

nak berjinak-jinak pulak dengan Flickr...
dlo-dlo pnh ada tp dh xingat nama & password so just create bru jela.. =)

de new me,
adzani aka a'd


Anonymous said...

the 100th...
a rather appreciate the 99th
imperfection is so beautiful
but anyhow..i hav a long way (70+) ahead before i reached the 100th..ops!..i mean the 99th

adzani adnan said...

ada lagi beberapa hari tuk 2011
jadik mcm2 lagi post leh tulih ni..
huhuh.. =)

Anonymous said...

2 days
70+ posts
buat tesis pun tak teruk mcm tu

adzani adnan said...

24hrs buat new post pun xsmpt..