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18 August, 2010

(58) Site....=)

As a designer at FERUNI CERAMICHE (click name to view our website) now i also involving with super dealer ( a place that displaying our tiles )...
my job of scope have been expend.. i like it.. hehehe..
because before this also my background also involving the site..

this is one of it.. located at USJ...

( gina n me )
gina is the head and control all thing that involve with the super dealer thing.
from architect drawing then pass to ain ti design the panel.
panel laying tiles - warehouse.
progress of all the site..

( peace )
hehehe.. after finish our work we just have some fun
take picture... yeah......
im "fasting" okey..

( me )
hahahahaha... parts of our site...

p/s : eventhough its Fasting Month. but all the works have to done as usual..
site visit, doing work there.. bla..bla... insyallah i can do it..

de new me,
adzani aka a'd


Anonymous said...

playin while workin, ohhh...i miss those its all black&white, profit&loss, and last but not least office politic

politic s**k!

adzani adnan said...

skunk x playing while workink dh ker?

cari rezeki yg halal.. (><)v