Nuffnang - klik a'd > a'd klik blik tabung anda

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05 August, 2010

(53) July Event

last month event...

going to Archidex @ klcc with my click.
taking booth picture plus visiting others booth to get more ideas bout designing ...~weeeee

( ong, lois, me, meil ling, gina, jessie )
my department with lois..

( what do you think bout the rite...)
one of ceramic tiles compony...

( furniture booth...)
i captured u... luv's...

( this booth using metal to present their "artworks"..)
cute rite... the men...

( feruni booth... the mock up..)

( overall the booth..)

then we go dinner... and drive home.... huhhu...

de new me,
adzani aka ad

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