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Mai Mai Follow

22 February, 2010

(18). Fun Day's

first we have dinner at Arabic Street near Ampang..

then we pose at T.T.T... hehehhe...
me, elly, ayie....
first of all it just a plan having dinner together.. later we decide..
to gewdiks.. take pictureee.....weeee.......

i love playground.... lalalalaland...=)

elly, ayie, me....

posing sampai no ideas oledy...

bebeh ur feet in Kakiku Kakimu...
im so happy for both of u..
and so happy spending time with u guys..
chill bebeh... luv ya..~_<

de new me,


Y a y i e said...

A'd- ur most welcome...doakan kebaikan untuk kami..moga kami bersatu dan hidup bahagia bersama2...:)

adzani adnan said...
