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04 November, 2010

(82) post SERABUT -





tua xsemestinya BYK PENGALAMAN....
muda xsemestinya BODOH....
( w/pun umur daku kecik nk dibandingkn ngan kmu tp in Construction Line i've been working 5yrs with main-contactor and i.d firm...)

diam xbermakna SETUJU....
tulisan "besar" sms bkn bermaksud KURANG AJAR...
(cuma kdg2 nk tetapkn pendirian supaya lbh paham....)

TITTLE di segulung kertas...
xsemestinya menunjukkan kamu LEBIH PANDAI dari daku..
(kalu daku interview kamu tp xmenyakin jgn harap la daku kn ckp "yes" to bos)


sekadar lepas geram sorang diri ~ keputusannya... HATI DAKU GUMBIRA..

ada daku kesah.. xkot...

de new me,
adzani aka a'd


Anonymous said...

dulu aku adalah jugak recreate myself several times and announce to myself...quietly of course "this is the new khairul" skrg aku realized, it happens every single is a journey

adzani adnan said...

hey there,
the quote "de new me"
tu terjadi lps something bad happens to me last year....
so nk men"kuat" diri.. and appreciate people yg always there with me. so tat y la..

i lix wat ur opinion... huhu..
t for keeping bce my POT PET stori.