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16 July, 2008

~ MY deFINAtion bLOG ~

for me BLog is 1 of space tat i can EXPRESS my `OVER` attitude...
using a simple word and easy to understand.
n hopefully i can share my life experience with those who r interested to read it.. Uyeah....
ingredients in my blog???

its all about my xtvt with pupilz surround me.. my family...
and mayb some knowledge tat i learn n i knew...

private or public blog???

like what MR.JASRY type at his blog.. yes.. i agreed.. we can make it PRIVATE...but for me, i prefer to do it PUBLIC coz for me. What the point having a blog but nOt to share with other.. hehehe..

my opinion???

so pupilz out there this is my opinion.. what urs??wanna FIGHT??
gtg.. im searching for VACANCY COLUMN?? do u know where?? TETT....


Y a y i e said...

A'd ini betul2 EXPRESS pasal apa itu defination of blog... semua ada..cukup rasa...KENAPAkah begini pula jadinya...??? TET!

Y a y i e said...

A'd mahu carik kerja ka?? marila ramai2 kita Kirja dekat Virtual Space pj...kasi kirja sama dia
